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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Mysticism & Psychology

The Mystical Arts & Energy Psychology

“Now I realize that it isn’t the miracle that creates the believer. Instead, we are all believers. We believe that the illusion of the material world is completely real. That belief is our only prison. It prevents us from making the journey into the unknown.” – Deepak Chopra

"To know, is not to know."  -- Cynthia Brone

This article is devoted to the Mystical Arts.  The Mystical Arts includes all genres related to spirituality, paranormal, quantum entanglement, divination, astrology, etc.  While we may not always have a scientific explanation for these practices, the mystical arts have impacted many in ways that result in dramatic life altering experiences, that often defy reason. This does not make these experiences invalid.  They are very real.  In recent years, science has come to offer solid empirical evidence for much of what the ancient mystics have known for centuries.

Because science is now validating what us "crazy" empaths have known all along, I have included this section to relay my personal experiences.  In addition, to experiencing planetary fields, I have experienced Cosmic Portals, telepathic links with people I'm in sync with, quantum entanglement synchronicity with groups of people, and most recently, the power of my own prayer to bring about a state of peace in a once violent neighborhood situation I was certain would never abate.  I did not seek out any of these experiences as one would out of curiosity, they simply manifested as I blithely bumbled along trying to follow a spiritual path of nonjudgment, while trying to develop the inner peace I so desperately sought in my outer reality.  Never the less, I have lived to see the outward manifestation of my spiritual practice (or the pain from the lack of, as well, as it so happens that I am also flawed) and I can say unequivocally that we are all connected by an invisible net of energy together; and that WE CONTROL the quality of our contribution to that net by the state of our inner being.

Now none of this is easy, and it takes time and practice and effort, and sometimes the gnashing of teeth, but I can assure you that if you spend the time to develop the rock of inner peace and nonjudgment within, eventually over time it will begin to impact those around you, like the wind eroding the mountains.  And this my friends is what it means to be TRULY FREE.  I highly recommend reading Dawson Church's, seminal book, "Mind to Matter", as a jumping off point if real peace is what you wish to create.

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