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Showing posts with label Mystical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystical. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Nightly Healing

Healing as a Meditation Practice

Before I go to sleep each night, I meditate - a healing meditation for certain people I know who are in need of healing.  You may not even know that you're on my secret list or you might be a close friend or associate or maybe someone I've had conflict with.  I do this practice nightly to offset the constant negativity of the news, politics, or disgruntled individuals I may encounter.

It is my choice to decide how I project my thoughts and intentions onto the world and no one can take that from me.  At the end of the day, it is my choice to bring thoughts of healing to my unconscious mind, instead of fear and agitation about things over which I have little or no control.  The World will be what it is, with or without me.  But the mantle I choose to carry with me in my being is my sacred possession and I alone am responsible for that energy.  My secret meditation list remains that, my anonymous gift to myself and others that keeps me free of the toxic negativity that can be so damaging in the World.  Try it.  I guarantee you will garner some amazing results.

All Content Copyright

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Mid-Summer Mystic Update - July 16 Full Moon

Full Moon & Mercury Retrograde Energies

Tonight! The MOON!! Everyone get out and look at this amazing full moon!  Transcendent!

The Full Moon in Capricorn will be all about balancing the commitment we have to our families and career. Something was building inside us, and now will be the time when the cosmos’ energy fairly demands we let it out. During the following two weeks, we are going to discover what all this means for all of us. We cannot sit on the feelings we have, but we should express them.

This illuminates the conflict that exists between direction and roots. With the Moon, there will be full symbolic illumination happening in our lives. But, these new revelations and feelings will be emotional. It will be the time of expressing ourselves and letting things out of our system.

From the 7th of July until the 31st of July, the planet Mercury is in retrograde.  If we accidentally email the wrong individual, or things get lost, or every single thing seems to go wrong, think that Mercury is in retrograde.

All manner of communication and plans will be disrupted, so prepare for that in advance.  Now is a good time to meditate, do inner work, as in dream work, and reflect on future goals.

Luna Enlightenment

This day!  This night!   This place!
That I should be here
with you all
Right here!  Right now!
This gift we have together
THIS Moment!
Blending in to the next,
and the next, and the next.
Full Moon SPEAKS!
Asking questions long in to the night!
Together this the time we ALL share together
HONOR it, in each encounter with one another
Without judgment!

The Moon asks us tonight to see all as One shining light!
The Gift of light you bring to the planet Earth,
like the light of the Full Moon,
Bows to be honored.
Honor it!  In yourself.
Shine it on all who see you.
Hang!  Like the moon this night!
A beacon that we should all share in that light together.
One, no separation, no judgment.
Only different angles of the same Light!
Then Enlightenment!

Copyright Cynthia Brone

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Mysticism & Psychology

The Mystical Arts & Energy Psychology

“Now I realize that it isn’t the miracle that creates the believer. Instead, we are all believers. We believe that the illusion of the material world is completely real. That belief is our only prison. It prevents us from making the journey into the unknown.” – Deepak Chopra

"To know, is not to know."  -- Cynthia Brone

This article is devoted to the Mystical Arts.  The Mystical Arts includes all genres related to spirituality, paranormal, quantum entanglement, divination, astrology, etc.  While we may not always have a scientific explanation for these practices, the mystical arts have impacted many in ways that result in dramatic life altering experiences, that often defy reason. This does not make these experiences invalid.  They are very real.  In recent years, science has come to offer solid empirical evidence for much of what the ancient mystics have known for centuries.

Because science is now validating what us "crazy" empaths have known all along, I have included this section to relay my personal experiences.  In addition, to experiencing planetary fields, I have experienced Cosmic Portals, telepathic links with people I'm in sync with, quantum entanglement synchronicity with groups of people, and most recently, the power of my own prayer to bring about a state of peace in a once violent neighborhood situation I was certain would never abate.  I did not seek out any of these experiences as one would out of curiosity, they simply manifested as I blithely bumbled along trying to follow a spiritual path of nonjudgment, while trying to develop the inner peace I so desperately sought in my outer reality.  Never the less, I have lived to see the outward manifestation of my spiritual practice (or the pain from the lack of, as well, as it so happens that I am also flawed) and I can say unequivocally that we are all connected by an invisible net of energy together; and that WE CONTROL the quality of our contribution to that net by the state of our inner being.

Now none of this is easy, and it takes time and practice and effort, and sometimes the gnashing of teeth, but I can assure you that if you spend the time to develop the rock of inner peace and nonjudgment within, eventually over time it will begin to impact those around you, like the wind eroding the mountains.  And this my friends is what it means to be TRULY FREE.  I highly recommend reading Dawson Church's, seminal book, "Mind to Matter", as a jumping off point if real peace is what you wish to create.

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